You can play Super Team online through the board game simulator, Tabletopia. It’s free to play, but you will need an opponent and an understanding of the rules. Join our Discord community to find online opponents for casual matches. Discord features voice and video chat so you can chat with your opponent while you play. You may also use other apps such as Zoom, Google Meet, etc.

What do I need to play the game?

A Tabletopia Account!

First up, create your account at
Then go to the Super Team page:
From the page, you can choose the game mode:

After creating the room, share your Tabletopia room code (looks like #EFYTFY) with your pals, and they’ll be able to find you.

Important! Remember to shuffle all of the card decks when getting started, right-click and choose shuffle!


We used disk-shaped pieces instead of the regular game pieces in the Tabletopia version for ease of play. To change your piece’s active/inactive status, press F while the cursor is pointing the piece, or press the right-click button and select Flip.

The setup of the game for Quick Match is complete for players. For Full Game mode, players will need to perform the following:

Use Morale
When both players need to roll the dice, you can use a more straightforward way to perform the Use Morale step for the action: Count to 3 and then announce the number of Morale tokens you want simultaneously.

Select Target
When both players need to select a target (on Pass the Ball or Shot on Goal action), you need to take all of the Strike tokens in your hand, flip the one you want, and then put it face down on the table and flip simultaneously.


And don’t forget to give us some feedback about your experience:


Have fun with your super team 🙂